Family Communication

We have updated the way we communicate with our families.

We now have four different school communication methods

  1. EdSmart: For direct communications to family email addresses. If you aren’t receiving these please email the school on to check/update your email address.
  2. Classroom Communication: Each class utilises a specific app for example Seesaw or Dojo. Please see your class teacher for further information.
  3. Grange Spotlight: for news on what is happening at Grange PS. 
  4. Audiri: For school sickness and late slip notifications. 

Get in touch

Location: 39c Jetty Street, Grange SA 5022

Telephone: (08) 8353 2688


Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm

Recess: 10:45am to 11:15am

Lunch: 12:55pm to 1:25pm

Class times: Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 3:05pm

School grounds: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 3:20pm - where there is a teacher on yard duty